
Our Life in America

Our story begins with the revolution in America. David Thompson, possibly from Salisbury, MA fought in the company Commanded by Capt. Jacob Hinds in Col. James Reeds Regiment, New Hampshire Line. After the war, he married Rachel Brown and settled in what was to become Gilford, NH.

David’s Son Daniel shows up as a gentleman in Woburn, MA…

Daniel’s son Daniel traveled throughout New England as a Salesman…

Daniel’s son Charles lived his childhood in Chicago but eventually moved to Boston…



Hi! I am Ed

Welcome to the Family

Grandfather, Father, Uncle, the 3.x version of Ed is grayer, stouter, and more medicated!

I love researching ancestors and love spending time with my two grown boys and my wife of 30+ years. Did I mention my grandsons?

I like movies, I LOVE reading, and when I am able to get away from the computer I like to travel outside North Carolina and visit family.

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